Sharks and Tunas

Sharks and Tunas

The last two days have been pretty good tuna fishing.  The only problem is we are landing less than half of the ones we hook.  The sharks that ate so many of our tunas last year are back and they are hungry. Tuesday we had a 100lb bigeye and were only able to land 4...
Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day

We fished Friday and Saturday along with 200 other boats and it was just too much pressure for the tunas to handle.  We only managed to catch one tuna each day.  Today was much better even though we had to deal with sharks eating some of our fish.  We had quite a few...
Big Yellowfins!!!!

Big Yellowfins!!!!

As I said yesterday, you never know what you will catch on any given day out of Oregon Inlet.  Yesterday was bigeyes and today was big yellowfins.  I don’t think I’ve ever caught multiple yellowfins of this caliber before in one day.  Out of our 10 tunas today, 6 were...
Bigeye fishing at its best

Bigeye fishing at its best

You hear it almost everyday from some captain or mate around here…you just never know what you will catch on any given day out of Oregon Inlet.  Today the fleet caught bigeyes.  I would say it was one of the best days of bigeye fishing I have ever been a part...
Good fishing and good tunes

Good fishing and good tunes

Today we had Travis and his Charleston crew again.  They had a good day tuna fishing on Saturday and since they weren’t interested in dolphin we decided to fish for tuna in the morning and maybe look for a marlin in the afternoon.  The plan almost worked perfect.  By...

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